Our Team

Nicholas Shoff
"Ever since I was young I had a vision for telling stories through video."
"Filmmaking is my passion and I am deeply blessed and grateful to call it my profession"
Heather Leiby
"I have a passion for design and pursuing art."
"I enjoy meeting new people and collaborating with them to help realize their creative visions"
Micah Wenger
"I have always loved cinema and the fine art of videography."
"I always carry an appreciation for filmmaking and the fine arts"
Benjamin Shoff
Web Developer
"I love love cinema."
"I have always had a love for the creative arts, be it music, cinema, or drawing"
When I was 7 years old I made my first “movie” with the help of my family, a handful of toy dinosaurs, and a VHS camcorder. That afternoon sparked a love for video and creativity that remains in my heart to this day.

Through my studies in the field and success in several competitions, I gained experience with the visual medium, and, at the heart of it all, I found my love for storytelling.  I believe the films that stick with us, the ones that really make an impact, are the ones with precise, well-crafted stories. Filmmaking is my passion and I am deeply blessed and grateful to call it my profession.
My interest in filmmaking and photography goes back many years, and I have spent a great deal of time studying cinematography techniques. I continue to look for opportunities to push my abilities and apply what I know to every project.

My other creative outputs are viola, piano, and guitar. As part of my university curriculum in engineering, I recently studied abroad and brought back experience working in cross-cultural settings – and also an innate love of French crêpes! Wherever travels take me, I always carry an appreciation for filmmaking and the fine arts.
I have always had a love for the creative arts, be it music, cinema, or drawing. Most recently, I started pursuing an interest in astrophotography. Not only am I fascinated that we can capture objects in space that are light years away from our planet, but the science underneath it all continually amazes me.

It is this appreciation for the sciences and the technical that led me to earn my Master's in Applied Sciences. It excites me to serve as the primary website architect and designer, as I get to engage both my creative and analytical abilities.